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Un gros merci!

Pour les mots gentils

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Voici ce que les gens disent

C’était super excitant pour tout le monde … mes élèves chantaient toutes les chansons! The themes and lyrics are so in sync with the attributes and qualities that students and staff celebrate at our school! – Maria Bonato, PDSB

Gregg’s songs bring French to the whole school and to our community. Students invent actions, choreography and props to go with his songs, which amazes and delights me. Ça rend mon travail drôlement plus facile … les élèves veulent participer à chaque année! – Sam Stanley-Paul, TDSB

Ils chantaient haut et fort … c’est la meilleure expérience en français que les élèves ont eue jusqu’à présent! – Carrie Bourne, Conseillère pédagogique, Richmond, BC

An excellent interactive learning experience for my students! Ils ont pu interagir et s’engager dans un véritable environnement français tout en s’amusant! – Danielle Teves, DPCDSB

Perfect for both Immersion and Core French students! I only received excellent feedback from my colleagues … c’était franchement super bon!! – Anny Couture, PDSB

On a tout de suite envie de participer. Les chansons sont bien rythmées, bien écrites et mélodiques. Elles sont parfaites pour les élèves en immersion française! – Ellen Bornowsky, Conseillère pédagogique, Langley, BC

The French department is on fire!! Students, parents and teachers loved it! La musique de Gregg est maintenant populaire dans toute l’école … je n’en reviens pas! – Dani Morrison, TCDSB

Our biggest, most exciting event during the school year. Highly recommended!! – Joan Dobbie, President, CPF Halifax

Le concert à Surrey était fantastique!! C’est ma 4ième expérience avec les concerts de Gregg, et celui-ci était certainement le meilleur!!! Mes élèves voulaient chanter encore aujourd’hui! – Guyanne Inouye, Langley, BC

Preparing students with the videos and songs in advance made all the difference in the world … ils connaissaient toutes les paroles par cœur et chantaient avec Gregg tout au long du concert … three weeks later, students are still buzzing!! – Michelle Morrissette, Edmonton, AB

If you’re looking for a way to convert students into French-speaking enthusiasts, this is definitely it! – Richard Bottoni, TCDSB

Les élèves étaient tous debout à chanter et à danser! We played the songs in class every day, which really enhanced the kids’ concert experience!! – Nicole Furfaro, Wellington CDSB

Teaching French with the help of Gregg LeRock’s songs hardly feels like teaching at all! Students sing them at recess and on the bus… ils ont vraiment hâte au prochain concert! – Lisa Potter, TDSB

C’est merveilleux de voir les élèves apprécier la culture francophone! Gregg has a great stage presence … the kids had a blast singing along and dancing to his music. They are already begging to go again next year! – Jessica Tanovic, WECDSB

Une expérience d’apprentissage formidable pour les élèves en Immersion. Ils ont pu interagir pleinement dans un environnement français authentique tout en s’amusant. – Danielle Teves, DPCDSB

The more we played the songs in preparation for the show, the more enthusiastic they became. Having Gregg acknowledge the colourful posters they made was just over the top for them. Une expérience formidable! – Denise Fournier, PDSB

“C’était incroyable! Gregg absolutely ROCKS the French curriculum — every student should have the opportunity to be part of this amazingly interactive, first-rate French learning experience!” – Darlene Trottier, GEDSB

“Gregg LeRock has created the most fun, authentic and engaging French learning experience for students! Toute l’année, nous apprenons ses chansons avec joie et nous avons hâte au concert. It has become the most memorable part of our French program … can’t wait for next year!” – Laura Argiropulos, DDSB

“C’est génial! An unbelievably interactive rockin’ culminating activity … it’s experiential learning at its best, cleverly disguised as a French concert!” – James Miller, YRDSB

“I got so many hugs from my students for this. Students felt included no matter what their level of French. Merci, Gregg, d’avoir permis aux jeunes de faire l’expérience de la langue et de la culture françaises tout en s’amusant!” – Penelaine Anthony, DPCDSB

“Nos élèves ont ADORÉ le spectacle! Gregg goes out into the audience and invites students and teachers up on stage … it’s so much fun and I’ll look forward to bringing my class again next year!” – Suzan Johnson, HPEDSB

“Our Core French and Immersion students LOVED it! They describe Gregg as, “… un artiste super cool et divertissant qui joue de la guitare comme pas un!” We’re already looking forward to 2019!” – Michelle Emmerson-York, YRDSB

“Fantastique! Thank you again for all the emails and the months of pre-organization. It really makes all the difference when kids know the when kids know the lyrics!” – Lily Jasinskas, GEDSB

“I beamed with pride as I watched so many of my students belting out the lyrics that they’d learned, dancing in their seats or vying for a chance to go on stage to showcase their dance moves! À titre d’enseignante, j’ai trouvé que le concert était un plus, car il était si riche en apprentissages et en possibilités d’évaluation — from teaching and assessing, to listening and reading comprehension strategies, to creating authentic concert posters and t-shirt designs!” – Juliet Young, DDSB

“C’était amusant, interactif et tout en FRANÇAIS! We absolutely loved it and will have Gregg back next year for our other schools!” – Carrie Bourne, French Consultant SD38, Richmond, BC

“A treasure trove of concrete and meaningful connections to the curriculum!” – Ron Vida, TDSB

“Une occasion formidable pour les élèves de faire des progrès en français… outside the classroom!” – Tania Hawkins Toews, GECDSB

“Another excellent show! Thanks for your continued enrichment of FSL … it’s something to look forward to every year! Merci!” — Dan Bart, LDSB

“In class, the students did a lot of activities to learn the concert songs and that made their experience very enjoyable! We look forward to attending another concert!” — Lisa De Ruiter, WCDSB

“Thank you for being so incredibly helpful and organized during our booking of the concert — much appreciated!” — Paulette Williams, EPSB

“Wow, and I thought my students enjoyed singing Gregg LeRock’s songs during class before the concert! That was nothing compared to how much fun they had at the concert itself! … so engaging, and I love how students learn so much vocabulary in each song!” — Kim Yungblut, YRDSB

“As a teacher, I find that Gregg’s catchy songs and well-written lyrics help support see students using French in a culturally authentic setting — at a French rock concert!! Fantastique!” Debra Falkenberg, KPRDSB

“We have been listening to Gregg’s songs for years and students all sing and dance along every time in our classrooms. The concert is not only a fantastic opportunity for the kids to be immersed in the world of French lyrics and song, but also an opportunity to build French speaking and event-based relationships surrounding familiar and similar interests!” — Angela Penfound KPRDSB

From my students: “…the concert was fantastic because we were able to get on stage with Gregg and see him in person!” (Medina) “We love his songs!” (Asher) “Gregg LeRock is COOOOOOOL!!” (David) “Gregg is an amazing ROCKER!” (Roxanna) Merci encore!!” — Daniela Miceli, Windsor

“It was a fantastic show. Our Immersion and Core French students raved about it when we returned. Merci!!” — Kendra Lawrence, DDSB

“My students thoroughly enjoyed the concert! One even said that it was the best day of her life! They were singing and dancing the whole time and we are expanding our learning in the classroom based on the songs.” — Julia Nash, WCDSB

“The new vocabulary for the kids was fantastic and hearing it in a musical context was great!” — Kristen Bishop, HRSB Halifax

“My students’ favourite part was dancing and singing on stage … and they loved that Gregg came down to the seating area to play guitar and interact with them!” — Maria Bambara, NCDSB

“Wow! What an awesome show! It was our first time, and my students LOVED it!” — Rebecca Tittarelli, HCDSB

“My students loved getting up on stage with Gregg. The concert was SO interactive and they were all singing along!” — Mme. Heather Davis, DSBN

“The kids loved, loved, loved your concert and are begging me to take them again next year!” — Dianne Lewis, KPRDSB

“We learned many of Gregg’s songs in our Litteracie block. Gregg did an awesome job energizing the students and encouraging them to participate in the concert!” — Gisèle Hutchings, WECSB

“C’était une expérience inoubliable pour mes élèves … à ne pas manquer!” – Johanne Gagnon, Aurora Grove PS, YRDSB

“I was once again BLOWN away! Gregg has entertained my students for 10 years … and with this year’s new songs, I can’t believe how he has risen above his own high standard. See you next year!!” – Darlene Allen, TCDSB

“Le spectacle était encore mieux que nos attentes. Franchement, Gregg et DJ Daveed ont sû garder l’attention, divertir le public, et nous faire rire. C’était un spectacle de calibre!” – Sue Drolet, École Larson, SD44 North Vancouver

“As an FSL educator working with both F.I. and Core students, I see the tremendous value in such an experience, as it took French from being an abstract and mandatory part of their education to a relevant and awesome part of living in a bilingual country!” – Claudia Uribe, Core French/French Immersion Teacher, Coppard Glen PS, YRDSB

“Wow! When is the next concert? I had goosebumps and was bursting with pride over our student involvement! Students were using their French knowledge outside the classroom and in the real world. A fantastic authentic French cultural experience for all!” – Janique Bigras, SMCDSB

“My students love his songs and we rock it out in the classroom starting September so that we are really prepared for the concert! I have taken my classes every year that Gregg has been in Edmonton. It is a tradition at my school!” – Darlene Williams, Stratford Elem./Jr. HS, Edmonton

“Awesome! We had both Core and French Immersion students in attendance. Gregg spoke in French and all students followed. An authentic FSL opportunity!” – Jacqueline Wright, GEDSB

“Students loved it and talked about how great it was to dance and sing with Gregg. The interaction level was amazing!” – Mme. Jocelyn Casey and staff at École BLT, Halifax

“AMAZING!!! You could just feel the energy and excitement in the room – it was just incredible. My students and staff all had a fabulous time.” – Nicole Schwartz, Rosedale Heights PS, YRDSB

“What a fabulous experience and what a great way to experience French outside of the classroom. This will be a concert that they remember forever!” – Katherine Burden, École Laronde, Surrey, BC

“Gregg’s videos really helped them prepare for the real thing, as we spent the month leading up to the concert learning his various catchy tracks. The concert was a perfect culmination and made French approachable, fun and real for the students! Merci!” – Alex Hamor, TDSB

“My kids just loved it. Gregg kept them totally engaged and his show was full of energy and passion. When we came back to the school all they wanted to do was sing his songs!” – Christine Slomp, Fleetwood Bawden School, Lethbridge, AB

“The songs definitely fit with the curriculum … we could hear students singing their favourite songs in the hallways back at school!” – Hayat Hanna, Braemarhouse School, Brantford

“Gregg LeRock had the students singing and dancing; they were all engaged and having fun throughout his performance! Gregg even had teachers rockin’ out on stage!” – Susan Jeffery, Coordonnatrice de langues modernes, Delta SD, BC

“… an engaging, upbeat and interactive concert … we had a blast! The students knew every single word to every song and loved singing along and even having the chance to go on stage!” – Paula Casamassima, Weston Memorial JPS, TDSB

“Une expérience authentique entièrement en français! Gregg rocked our socks off … un spectacle superbe!!!” – J. Foote, PDSB

“Bravo! My teachers all came back from this year’s “Gregg LeRock” concert ranting and raving about how this was le MEILLEUR spectacle en français qu’ils aient jamais vu!”” – Karen Rancier, Director of Curriculum, Lethbridge, AB

“Engaging, interactive, fast-paced and educational! Qu’importe leur âge, tous les élèves ont chanté les chansons!” – Tiziana Agriesti, BHNCDSB

“The highlight of our year … brings together all the reasons why we study French in class: s’amuser et utiliser le français dans un environnement authentique à l’extérieur de la salle de classe. For my students, they are seeing Mick Jagger on stage!! – Darlene Williams, EPSB

“‘Le concert était à la hauteur de nos attentes et les a même dépassées! We had been practicing the concert set list for several months and students were so pumped to sing along!” – Nancy Bazilli, GEDSB

“I thoroughly enjoy using Gregg’s songs in my French program for vocabulary acquisition and sentence structure … les chansons motivent les élèves à apprendre le français! And teachers and students alike loved the show!” – Fiona Philip, PDSB

”Gregg et DJ Daveed ont su retenir l’attention des jeunes pendant tout le spectacle … will definitely attend again!” – Louise Kaniecki, SCCDSB


“A fabulous, extremely engaging French cultural experience for both Immersion and Core students .. … with lots of vocabulary-building and comprehension development that happened while we learned the songs beforehand! – Marge Siertsema, WRDSB

“Gregg and DJ Daveed kept the kids involved the whole show! Teachers loved it too … would definitely attend again!” – Louise Kaniecki, SCCDSB

“… The entire school was in attendance, including the principal! Gregg crafted a fabulous performance that meets everyone’s needs! We all loved it and can’t wait until next year — merci beaucoup!” – Connie Whitely, SCCDSB

Ce qu’en disent les élèves

“J’ai aimé que les élèves et les professeurs pouvaient participer, et qu’un étudiant pouvait jouer de la guitare sur la scène avec Gregg!” – Stéphanie, OCDSB

“I never thought I’d like French music, but Gregg really knows how to rock! Awesome concert!!!” – Dylan, Red Deer, AB

“I didn’t used to like French very much but now I love it. Your songs rock!” – Vijay S., Brampton, ON

“It was definitely the best thing our class did this year!” – Chelsea B., SCDSB

“My parents let me turn up your music really loud because they think it’s cool too!” – Hillary S., Cambridge, ON

“My favourite part of French class is when my teacher plays your CDs!” – Kyle, TDSB

“J’ai aimé que tout soit en français!”

“The concert was incredible! Amazingly, I understood every word he sang. Every kid in French should go!”

“J’ai aimé que les élèves et les professeurs pouvaient participer, et qu’un étudiant pouvait jouer de la guitare avec Gregg!”

“The Gregg LeRock concert was a great opportunity to sing what we are learning in French at school. Awesome music and awesome concert!”

“I thought it was fun when people in the audience got to go up on stage. It was very inspiring and I had a lot of fun!”

“I liked that we learned from the songs, and that Gregg LeRock interacted with the kids and he sings the way kids think. It was a great concert!”

“C’était totalement incroyable. J’ai aimé la participation avec l’audience. C’était mon concert préféré!”

“I loved how he invited kids up on to the stage to dance and when they were the translators. It was a once in a lifetime experience for French students.”

And still more reviews

“My students all made posters and t-shirts which they proudly wore! The concert is the highlight of our year and brings together all the reasons why we study French in class—to have fun and use French in an authentic setting outside the classroom! We love all the energy and passion that Gregg LeRock and DJ David put into the show. My kids are thrilled. For them, they are seeing Mick Jagger on stage!!” Darlene Williams, EPSB

“Wonderful! My students loved it. This was my second time attending and we will come again!” Lisa Ansems, LDCSB

“The practice CD that you sent to me after I booked the seats was very helpful. The kids were really engaged because they were knew the songs and could sing them! ” Jennifer Missiaen, LKDSB

“Gregg LeRock is a gem! … such a rich contribution to our young French students and most entertaining for me and my colleagues as well! ” Darlene Trottier, GEDSB

“Gregg was WONDERFUL and our board’s kids are still raving about the concert days later!” Laura Stockland, System Curriculum Lead, Bluewater DSB

“Que mes élèves ont aimé le concert de Gregg LeRock!!! I have been taking them for years and they are not shy to get up, dance and sing their favourite songs!” Tracy Peters, ALCDSB

“Yet another wonderful performance! Gregg’s songs have been very valuable teaching tools and have motivated even the most stubborn French students. Great messages, catchy tunes and awesome for teaching vocabulary and grammar!” Margaret Greenwood, KPRDSB

“I thoroughly enjoy using Gregg’s songs in my French program for vocabulary acquisition and sentence structure. They help excite the kids about learning French! Teachers and students alike loved the show”. Fiona Philip, PDSB

“Gregg and DJ David really made an effort to connect with the students and make them feel part of the show. Even our older Immersion students really got into the moment and just had fun. We will recommend this concert to other educators. Vive Gregg LeRock!!” Susan Walker, HDSB

“Our Core and Immersion students all LOVED the show. Bravo, Gregg LeRock!!” Kathryn Steeves, SCDSB

“My students were very excited about learning the choruses to the songs … they loved the concert (parents too!), were very engaged and talked about it for days afterwards! I appreciated how clear and relevant Gregg’s lyrics are!” Darlene Sergo, Holy Spirit RCSRD, AB”Le concert a dépassé toutes mes attentes!” – Francesca Martinez, ALCDSB Kingston, ON

“Every moment was engaging! Thanks for the CDs/videos/instructions and for the wonderful organization of the concert!” – Karen Bourassa, Lethbridge School District

“L’apprentissage du français et le vocabulaire, la responsabilité environnementale, un bon caractère – tous ces éléments se recèlent dans les chansons entraînantes que les jeunes adorent!” – Mihaela Avram, YRSB

“A seamless concert! … having the students well prepared in advance is key to allowing them to be more engaged during the concert!” – Darlene Allen, TCDSB

“J’ai aimé que les élèves et les professeurs pouvaient participer, et qu’une étudiante pouvait jouer de la guitare avec Gregg!” – Caitlyn, étudiante – Burlington, ON

“Gregg ROCKS the curriculum … an incredible experience for our students, staff and parents … the materials you sent can be used all year long in the classroom!” – Darlene Trottier, GEDSB

“Incroyable! J’ai beaucoup aimé sa participation avec la foule. C’était mon concert préféré!” – Alyssa, étudiante, Calgary, AB

“A great way to get the kids singing in French and exposing them to culture which is a huge part of the new curriculum. His songs are clear and easy to understand, making it fun and easier for kids to learn the lyrics and join in … teaches them vocabulary too! We will be back next year with the whole school!” – Krista Arnold, HDSB

”À titre d’enseignante, j’ai vraiment apprécié les échanges entre Gregg et nos étudiants. Nous reviendrons sans aucun doute voir d’autre concerts à l’avenir!” – Mme Sciarra, HCDSB

“A great opportunity for my students from Grades 2-8 to experience French music! They all loved it – it far surpassed their expectations!” – Suzete Jones, London

“Un gros merci! You make my job even more enjoyable!” – Mme. Stanley-Paul, TDSB

“We had been practicing Gregg LeRock’s music for weeks so the kids were familiar with the music. I saw a lot of my more reserved students singing along with eyes glued to Gregg!” – Cristina Petrella, École St. Joseph’s A. McKay, Halifax

”Le vocabulaire est extrêmement bien pensé et facile à comprendre — nous apprenons une foule de choses à faire en classe. Gregg LeRock, il ”ROCK” en s’il-vous-plaît!” – Nancy Gibson, PDSB

“Gregg takes the time to really connect with the kids … they truly feel like they are a part of the concert … we never miss a show!” – Meera Mukerjee, OCSB

“The ties to the FSL curriculum are spot-on!” – Lori Nelson, Lethbridge School District

“Fantastique! Students from Grade 1 to 8 ALL enjoyed it!” – Jodi Proulx, Kawartha Montessori School

“Ma classe adore chanter les chansons de Gregg LeRock!” – Sarah, Mississauga, ON

“It helped spark a new sense of curiosity and excitement in our students!” – Amanda Dewell, Humber Park School, Halifax

“One of this year’s highlights!” – Brent Colbourne, SCDSB

”Il n’y a pas meilleure façon de rendre le français plus pertinent, plus amusant et plus palpitant que par un spectacle donné par Gregg LeRock … seeing how my students reacted during and after the concert has re-energized me as a teacher!” – Shaun MacDonald, TVDSB

Students asked it they could go again next year, so of course I told them, ‘Oui!'” – Barb McLaren, Kingston Christian School

“Vous savez que le spectacle a impressionné les étudiants quand, plus tard dans la journée, les élèves qui ne participent normalement pas en classe se promènent dans les corridors en chantant en français! – Shaun MacDonald, TVDSB

“Since we started learning the songs, students are using a lot of the new vocabulary!” – Ann Marie Kuehn, PDSB

“Cette expérience est beaucoup plus que de simplement regarder un concert! I use the lyrics/videos you provide to bring the kids’ attention to different parts of speech on my Smart Board.” – Wendy Day, LKDSB

“The kids had a rocking fun time! They danced, they sang, they LOVED French!!!” – Brenda Hale, Markham

“My class loved being able to participate on stage and I did too!” – Joanne Li, YCDSB

“La seule chose que les jeunes préfèrent à chanter les chansons de Gregg LeRock en classe est de le voir sur scène – chose que chaque élève mérite. À ne pas manquer!” – David Geene, YRDSB

“My students think Gregg LeRock is fabulous and they can’t wait to attend his next concert!” – Joyce Pace, DPCDSB

“Mes étudiants ont appris à aimer le français grâce à ces chansons.” – Corina Alcasid, DPCDSB

“Students wrote ‘awesome!’ and ‘amazing!’ on their feedback sheets … and Gregg’s guitar playing really rocked the house!” – Catherine Blakely, HPEDSB

“Great sound, great songs, great French learning! Our students are not going to forget this amazingly energetic performer.” – Céline Gillis and Chris Fraser, ALCDSB

“Catchy, curriculum-based themes with refrains are easy to repeat. The parents and teachers loved it, too!” – Lisa Ansems, LDCSB

“My students said they liked that he spoke French all the time and that they could understand so much of what he said.” – Pauleen Cusack, Meadowbrook P.S., Keswick

“One of my parent chaperones said, ‘Finally, French music that the kids enjoy and that they understand!’ Well done!” – Jill Urich, École Burton Ettinger, Halifax

“Here’s a quote from one of my students. ‘Madame, I have a new Canadian hero – Gregg LeRock!'” – Maria Bonato, PDSB

“It’s always the highlight of the class when we’re learning another Gregg LeRock song!” – Brandi Devitt, EPSB

“Even our most reluctant students were cheering and smiling from ear to ear and lip-synching to the lyrics!” – Céline Gillis and Chris Fraser, ALCDSB

“A super exhilarating experience … my students sang along to every song!” – Maria Bonato, Somerset Drive P.S., Brampton, ON

I loved how he invited kids up on the stage to dance and to be translators. It was a once in a lifetime experience for our class.” – Daniel, student, Ottawa, ON

“Prior to the concert I had students learn and present Gregg’s songs in groups. It was a great learning and teaching experience!” – Kelly Vaine, SCDSB

“Gregg was extremely engaging and spoke slowly enough (et complètement en français!) that my students could easily understand. Fantastique!” – Brooke Wilson, DDSB, Oshawa

“A great experience for students to be involved in an authentic French concert!” – Sandra Morello, Maple Ridge P.S., Pickering

“Energy was high and he played all my students’ favourites. One said, ‘Mme, you didn’t tell us he was a comedian!’ – Holly Kienzle, Oshawa