category videos

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Au Canada

Au Canada

Community, diversity, immigration, Canadian inventions, politeness, festivals, hockey, UN Peacekeepers, Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Prends soin de toi

Prends soin de toi

Mental health and well-being, empathy.



Travel preferences, ideal holidays.

Montrez-moi vos mains!

Montrez-moi vos mains!

Community, inclusion, diversity.

C'est bon!

C’est bon!

Cultural literacy, manners.

Sous son sombrero

Sous son sombrero

Cultural literacy, financial literacy, Spanish around the world.

C'est comme ça ici

C’est comme ça ici

Equity, diversity, inclusion, community, truth and reconciliation.

Terry Fox - La persévérance

Terry Fox – La persévérance

Inclusion, the Marathon of Hope, character, Canadian heroes.

Écoutons la radio

Écoutons la radio

Community, weather, telecommunications, geography.

La pizza

La pizza

Media literacy, cooking and eating.